Thursday 20 January 2022

How Joblessness Forced Me Out of Nigeria"-Youth Presidential Candidate, Fadojoe

The Nigerian Youth presidential candidate, Joseph Faduri popularly known as Fadojoe, who recently declared to run for the post of President in Nigeria has revealed to Journalists his plans to rescue the country from the hands of corrupt and old generation leaders who have been ruling and oppressing Nigerians for years.

The very intelligent Faduri revealed this on Wednesday’s evening while addressing Journalists from his base in America.

The Pen Pushers asked him about his plans for Nigeria during an interaction which was conducted via zoom, and the Ipetu, Osun State-born entertainer said, “I am running for presidency in 2023 to fix the numerous problems in our country Nigeria. 

I schooled in my home town at Ipetu-Ijesha, Osun State, from there to Ibadan and after that, I gained admission at Ambrose Ali University, Edo State to study Sociology. 

After my graduation, for good 5 years, there was no job, I couldn’t secure a job for myself in Nigeria. In 2007, I relocated to New York City to search for a new and better life and since then, one way or the other I have been coming back to Nigeria because I am into music and I am also an actor, so I need to be around to record my jobs. But I always notice that anytime I come to Nigeria, the country is getting worse than the way I left it. I always come to Nigeria every 3 months. Right here in America, I am a licensed Nurse and I am doing well, I have my family here with me but the question is that, when I see the level of hunger, insecurity kidnapping, poverty and all that in my country, then I asked myself that if I am okay, does it mean I should ignore other people in Nigeria who are suffering? Also when I was young, I was told that I will be the leader of tomorrow, I am 45 going to 46 now and I am yet to be the leader of tomorrow, I don’t even have an idea of when that tomorrow will come. 

Since I was young, the same set of people have been in power with the same experience. Since 1960, we still have the same set of people ruling us and there is none of them who has helped our country in taking it to zenith. If you keep quiet in the face of oppression, you are as guilty as the oppressed. Would I keep quiet? Should I be enjoying my good life in America while my people are suffering in Nigeria? 

This is the reason I said as a youth of Nigeria, I must move to see how we can mobilize ourselves to take the power from our political grandfathers who have been running it for more than 30 years with no achievement to show for it. This is 2022, a digital era but this same set of analog leaders are still using the template of 1960 to run Nigeria in 2022 and you are expecting good result, it can’t work. The people ruling us are using analog in a digital era. i bet you, some of them can’t even operate computer. No matter the ideas they put together, it won’t work. I asked myself how come there is stable power system in New York, London, Ghana,South Africa and others but it is a different case in Nigeria, why is there no job, no light, no security in Nigeria? right now, Afghanistan and Iraq are saver than Nigeria. 

In our own nation, we cannot walk or move around because of Kidnapping and we have government and police force in that country? The only thing the police knows how to do best is to attack the youths. 80% of Nigerian youths have no job, and a country where the youth have no job cannot prosper. There is no 2 ways about it. If you want to solve Nigerian problems, start from the stable light because light is life. There is hunger in the nation, no matter how much you earn in Nigeria now, it is not enough for you to live a good life. With 1 dollar I will eat here but can we do the same with our 1000Naira? I am afraid that if you have 1000 Naira in Nigeria you won’t be able to eat and be satisfied. We need to put corrections to all these mess. This is why I asked God for the grace and i am picking up the challenge even though I know it’s huge. It is not what I alone can do and that is why I am calling on all Nigerians especially the youth to come together to rescue our country and put it back to the top.

When we talk about corruption, corruption has eaten so deep into our country that it has become like normal thing because anywhere you go in Nigeria for favour, you have to bribe them first. Imagine going to Banks in Nigeria, the security officer on duty who greeted you when you arrived would be expecting you to give him money for greeting you. Is that normal? Nigeria is the only country that when you land, from the Airport people will be asking for money. This is a big shame to our country. Many of our politicians in Nigeria only display their wealth on social media rather than facing the problems in their constituency. This is why all our Youths are going into cyber crime just because they want to live large like that of their oppressing politicians. They will do anything to make money when you fail to give them job. I don’t need to be a politician before I fix the problems in Nigeria, It’s just a matter of common sense. All I need to do is to change the system that is not working in the country and this is the reason I am eyeing the office of the president of Nigeria. I am not going there because I am hungry or I have no job but I am going there because I want to serve the people of my country and fix our nation. That is why I am using this medium to call on Nigerians home and Abroad to support my candidacy. I don’t have the money bag to run the election or campaign but with God and you all standing strongly behind me, we will move mountains”, he said.

On his priority if the opportunity is given to him as the president of Nigeria, Joseph said, “my first priority is to fix the power system in Nigeria, and the reason I am saying this is because, any nation that want to succeed in the world must have constant light. Without light, there won’t be any meaningful development in that nation. 

The reason everyone is talking about America, London and co today is because of the stable electricity which of course will attract foreign investors to establish in the country and by so doing, they are creating job opportunity for the citizen. When there is stable electricity in Nigeria there will be job opportunity, many businesses will rise while those companies that left because of inadequate light will return to the country. 

No businessman will go and invest in a country where there is no light. The only thing that change Ghana till date is because of the stable power system. Most companies in Nigeria moved to Ghana because of light. Sometimes ago we say Ghana must go, but today how many Ghanians are in Nigeria? They have all gone back to their country. Now, some of them are chasing Nigerians out of their country. Light is one of the reasons South Africa is one of the advanced nations in Africa. Any leader who is serious to fix a country must start with light first. 

Every other thing connects to light. With light, you can run a good hospital, airport and other businesses. In my first 12 months in office, I will make sure that there is at least 12 hours stable electricity, from there we will keep improving till we get to 24 hours”.

On his support for the entertainment industry if elected as the president of Nigeria, he said, “as an entertainer, we offer a lot but we get peanut in return. 

As a president, the issue of piracy becomes a big crime in Nigeria. If you look at America, if you make a movie or music, you will live on that music or movie for the rest of your life but in Nigeria, you will keep producing movies and music till you die with no achievement to show for it. And the day you stop making music and movie, you will start loosing your relevance. Every movie and music you do in Nigeria gets pirated, no loyalty is coming in for you. We don’t have a government that cares about the entertainment industry. If i am elected, i will make sure that piracy is a thing of the past in our country.

But most importantly, fixing our Nation requires a joint effort by all of us with a sincere leader who love his Nation Dearly. Without which we will only continue the same part, the same system and never should expect different result.

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